Around Her Table

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A Series Of Conversation


A Series Of Conversation is a story that takes place over many years and also within a short amount of time. Parts are written in poetic form, and other parts are just blaring thoughts being spilled out on the page much like they were spilled out in my mind.

A clue for the reader, don’t try to understand it all because you won’t. Appreciate the metaphors you can relate to and just enjoy the rest. The series is made up of inner dialogue, memories from the past, actual conversations, self-reflection, and more.

To make things less confusing I will explain some details to help you better understand as you read along.

I refer to myself in the third person throughout the series

I, her, she: can all refer to me

You: This character is both the protagonist and antagonist of the story. More than that, it is the person I’ve learned the most about this part of myself from. For them, I am grateful.

Comfort: This term will be used for a lot of things throughout this series. It may represent a way of thinking, a situation, other people, certain ways of living, etc. The idea is staying with what is familiar rather than stepping out and taking the chance on something new. “Comfort” will take on many forms during parts of this story.

Inner Dialogue: You know those pretend conversations you have with your self, or with another person, in your head full of things you “should” have said but didn’t. Or things you wish you hand’t of said. All inner dialogue post will be underlined.

This is an old story I’ve finally had to courage to look back at and sort our for myself, and now have the courage to so publicly share with you. Like I said, just enjoy it for what it is and for any personal connection you are able to make with it. I’ll let you read and figure out the rest. Pull up a chair and join me at my table.
